Unconfirmed Reunion Rumours

The Mirror newspaper is claiming today (March 17) that the The Stone Roses are planning to reform later this year. The speculative reports seem to contradict previous commitments some ex-band members have for this year.

John Squire will be staging a major art exhibition this summer and Ian Brown is currently recording his next solo album. The report also suggests that the band may play the Coachella Festival, which is only one month away.

20th Anniversary Magazine Specials

There’s been a flurry of activity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Stone Roses début album.

Q, Uncut and Clash magazines have all published commemorative articles.

Update: NME released a collector’s edition on 18 April, recreating their classic Roses cover from 1989.

NME April 2009Clash April 2009Uncut 2009Q April 2009