More 20th Anniversary adverts

Here’s a couple more adverts promoting the 20th Anniversary editions of The Stone Roses.

HMV Our Inspiration advert August 2009Full page advert August 2009

HMV has taken a different approach with their advert featuring a classic Ian Tilton photograph and lyrics from She Bangs The Drums. Quite effective I feel, but possibly would appeal more to an existing fan rather than the casual buyer.

The second is a larger variation of the advert posted yesterday.

Melody Maker interview from 1989

Here’s another great issue of Melody Maker from 1989. Once again the Roses were on the cover and there’s some good photography throughout.

[issuu backgroundcolor=F8FAF7 showflipbtn=true autoflip=true autofliptime=6000 documentid=090701082429-29a3b2235bf54181a688500777b3fa51 docname=melody-maker-december-1989 username=thestoneroses loadinginfotext=Melody%20Maker%20December%201989 showhtmllink=false tag=stone width=420 height=272 unit=px]

Once again special thanks to Charles from Archived Music Press who scanned this issue. You can find this and many more great Melody Maker articles on his website Archived Music Press.

You can find this and other classic Roses’ interviews in the Press Section.