Stone Roses gig tickets

The Roses artwork created by John Squire wasn’t only restricted to their record sleeves, several of their concert tickets also featured unique artwork and creative designs.

The first example is from the Alexandra Palace gig in 1989, then Spike Island with its variation on the Elephant Stone artwork, followed by the lemon motif inspired Glasgow Green ticket and finally an example of the designs used on the UK Second Coming tour.

They seem all the more interesting in this day of bland uniform ticket designs.

If anyone has a scan of the Blackpool Empress Ballroom gig ticket please get in touch or leave a comment.

Roses’ front covers part 3

Part 3 of the occasional series celebrating The Stone Roses’ appearances on the front covers of magazines.

We jump forward to late 1994 and 1995 when the Roses were on the comeback trail with the Second Coming album. The years in the wilderness didn’t seem to dent the Roses’ popularity.

The massive interest in the Roses is demonstrated by the sheer number of covers they graced in this period. A small selection is presented below.

What’s your favourite ever Roses’ magazine cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

Roses’ front covers part 2

Time for some more music press covers featuring the Roses.

All these examples are from 1990. The Roses have transcended their indie roots and are fast moving into the musical mainstream. This is illustrated by their appearance in more teen and pop based publications, and the rock establishment that is Q magazine.

What’s your favourite ever Roses’ magazine cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

Iconic Roses’ Magazine covers

First in an occasional series where I’ll feature some iconic (and some not so great) Stone Roses’ magazine and music press covers from over the years.

First up are some early examples from 1989 and 1990. These are arguably some of the best covers to feature the Roses with the ‘Never Mind The Pollocks’ edition of the NME the most famous of all.

What’s your favourite ever Roses’ magazine cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

Raveonettes cover Adored

If you haven’t yet, make sure you check out the Raveonettes cover version of I Wanna Be Adored.

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Dr Martens commissioned a series of cover versions from 10 bands.

There’s a great selection of bands involved, with some interesting covers. Best of all they’re free!

Head over to the Dr Martens site to check them out, or download the Roses cover below.

What do you think? Is this the best Roses cover version yet? Leave a comment.

The Raveonettes – I Wanna Be Adored MP3

The Ravonettes – I Wanna Be Adored video

Find More Roses cover versions here