Spike Island – a photographer’s story

Found a nice article from Paul Slattery who photographed the legendary Spike Island gig back in 1990. Read about his experience and see some of the images he captured on the big day.

And if you read this Paul, please stop by and tell us some more!

Head over to the Retna photographers blog.

I Wanna Be Adored TV show

I Wanna Be Adored TV show scene
Thankfully not a Monkees style recreation of the Roses heyday but a rather nifty trailer for a TV comedy pilot set in the ’90s.

I Wanna Be Adored follows two chancers Theo and Garry through a year in their lives. From hopelessly trying to form a band to joining someone elses, from reuniting with old school friends to falling out with your best one.

It of course features plenty of Roses tunes and other classics from the era.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

Stone Roses covers

For such an influential band and album, Stone Roses cover versions are few and far between.

The little I’m aware of are listed below, with links if I’ve been able to track them down.

There must be more out there so drop a comment if you know of any.