Stone Roses Masterpiece

Stone Roses Masterpieces cover
From December 2008, here’s the full recording of Zane Lowe’s Stone Roses Masterpieces special.

Zane played the Roses debut album in full, with interviews and music to set the scene for this great record. Features an extended interview with Mani.

You can download the full show from the following link:

“The Stone Roses – Masterpieces” download.

Please note this file is not hosted on this site.

Original Elephant Stone version by Peter Hook

Stumbled across a nice little post over at the excellent music blog The Power of Independent Trucking.

He has for download a version of Elephant Stone which may be the original unreleased version which was produced by Peter Hook.

There’s no doubt that it sounds different from the various released versions but I don’t know if it is the Hooky produced version … it probably is though.

The origins of this version are interesting. Take one original 12 inch version of Elephant Stone. Re-reverse Full Fathom Five and you have yourself a nice new/old version of Elephant Stone.

Or just go here where all the work has been done for you.

More 20th Anniversary adverts

Here’s a couple more adverts promoting the 20th Anniversary editions of The Stone Roses.

HMV Our Inspiration advert August 2009Full page advert August 2009

HMV has taken a different approach with their advert featuring a classic Ian Tilton photograph and lyrics from She Bangs The Drums. Quite effective I feel, but possibly would appeal more to an existing fan rather than the casual buyer.

The second is a larger variation of the advert posted yesterday.