So I’ve finally got my hands on the ultimate version of the Roses album.
The first thing that strikes you is the weight of this thing. Heavy, substantial, a quality feel and mysterious … what’s in all those pockets and sections?
There so much to it that I don’t know where to start. A quick flick through trying to take it all in. First stop is the CD section at the rear. Was expecting better, more authentic artwork on the actual discs and they seem out of sync with the rest of the packaging.
And what’s this? The USB lemon! Frankly it looks a bit cheap and slightly odd. However as I discovered later it’s a great addition to the package – essentially all the Collectors Edition content in digital format plus a few extras only available on the USB. It also means the CD’s and vinyl will probably never get played!
So what’s next? Flip back to the front and carefully remove the large book. First impressions are positive. Simple black embossed cover, slightly let down that its not hard-back but I’ll get over it. A very careful flick through and there seems to be loads of photos – seen most of them before but there’s still a few that are new to me. Lot’s of text with interviews from a huge range of people.
One thing catches my eye: interviews with Ian and Mani, a drawing and poem from Reni and nothing from John! Surely not! Flick through again and sadly there’s nothing from John. Disappointed.
Still there’s plenty of reading to do and I’ll look at the content in detail later.
Carefully slide out the vinyl and prints for a quick look and all is looking good on first impressions.
I’m already happy with my very expensive purchase. More later …