Retro postcard set part 2

It’s time for part 2 of the retro postcard series – recreations of historical Roses promotional materials in handy (and printable) 6×4 postcard format.

She Bangs The Drums

Released on 17th July 1989, the She Bangs The Drums single had a variety of advert styles. From the simple black and white text based option, to the Roses lemon and finally a large colour advert which featured stills from the original promo video for The Drums.

Update: Looks like there was another Drums advert featuring Squire’s artwork. I’ve added it to the gallery.

Raw magazine

Time for another site exclusive. Here’s the full scanned article from Raw magazine originally published in 1995.

With 9 pages in full colour, a cool front cover and lot’s of exclusive pictures … this issue is well worth checking out.


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Retro postcard set

This is the first in an occasional series where I present something a little different.

I have produced a series of postcards that recreate the classic Roses’ adverts from 1989. These were created to promote the Stone Roses’ debut album and associated singles.

If you haven’t seen them, they were particularly iconic and helped to instantly set the Roses apart from their contemporaries.

They have been recreated from those original adverts and reformatted to suit the standard 6×4 photo paper size. You can print your own postcard set and they look excellent mounted in a frame.

Made of Stone

To start the series we have the promo material from the Made of Stone single release. The first image is the advert which appeared in the music press at the time. It features an image from the photo shoot that was also used for the debut album inner sleeve.

The single was also advertised with promotional materials featuring the cover artwork from the single. It was of course designed by John Squire and featured an image from his painting ‘Cody Calling’.